Earth Hour 2010
Sat, 27 Mar 2010 12:51
Today I will use my weblog to advocate what I think is a fantastic initiative that has grown exponentially over the past two years. What started as a local event in Sydney, Australia went international in 2008 and now the entire world joins in Earth Hour. Today is the 27th of March and tonight between 8.30pm and 9.30pm cities around the world will be turning off their lights. For us "normal" people: we can do the same!
Winter Olympics in the Netherlands
Tue, 23 Mar 2010 14:57
Time flies when you're having fun, quite rightly proven by my long absence on this website. Many new impressions were loaded on top of me, and I've finally managed to process most of them. So as of today: I'm back to writing weblogs.

Choose here which blogs you want to see in the list: Both languages - English - Dutch
